Devil’s Bridge
This bridge, which connects Maçanet with the Mallorquines road to Hostalric (the old camí ral), traverses the dry riverbed of Sils, which was built to drain the pond. It is a stone bridge with a single arch and an arcade made of solid brick tile, built in the 18th century. Still in use today, it was restored in modern times with a brick tile railing. Nearby are the nearly imperceptible remains of another, older bridge, probably of medieval origin, also known as Pont Vell, and popularly called Pont del Dimoni, or the Devil’s Bridge.
Legend has it that this bridge was built by the devil in a single night, with the condition that the devil would take the soul of the first person to cross it. The problem was the no one wanted to cross it in fear that the devil would take their soul, so the solution was to send a dog over. The dog crossed happily to the other side, but when it got there, the devil was waiting with a sack to swoop up its soul. When the devil realised that he had been tricked, he picked up a great stone and hurled it with all his might against the bridge, which sunk it to the ground, and still today you can see the remains, about a hundred metres down from the current Pont Vell. That is how it got the name of the Devil’s Bridge.